Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy Cell Injury and Anti-Aging Benefits
Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF) for Cell Repair and Injury: How PEMFs Promote Longevity and Reduce the Rate of Aging.
At the cellular level, aging is a process of diminishing lifepulse pemf the capacity and effectiveness of the repair of cellular injury. With aging, there is a cumulative, unrepaired, or unrepaired natural or unnatural cellular injury. This is "death by a thousand cuts."
Cell injury occurs when:
• cells can no longer adapt to stress,
• has unrecoverable exposure to harmful agents or
• You suffer from intrinsic abnormalities, either genetic or nutrient-based.
Cell injury can progress from milder reversible states to more severe irreversible conditions leading to tissue or organ failure of varying degrees and eventually senescent, apoptotic, or necrotic cell death.
Promoting longevity requires the intervention of the underlying causal conditions of cell injury when possible and facilitating cell recovery and repair in the early stages of cell injury.
In the stages of reversible injury there are:
• reduction of oxidative phosphorylation with depletion of ATP,
• cellular edema caused by changes in ion and water fluxes,
• mitochondrial and cytoskeletal alterations and
• DNA damage.
Aging can be delayed or reversed through continued health maintenance, including mitigation of known causal circumstances, as well as the proactive use of low-intensity, low-frequency (LI / ELF) PEMFs.
LI / ELF PEMFs improve the rate of aging by reducing and/or reversing various degrees of cell damage.
LI / ELF PEMFs are known to pass through the body uninhibited, while inducing loading in cells and tissues, affecting biochemical and physiological processes in the direction of reducing cell injury and thus the aging.
PEMF enhance various physiological processes including
• nitric oxide production,
• reduce pain and inflammation,
• improve circulation,
• enhance cell membrane function and metabolism, communication and replication, and growth and repair.
PEMFs enhance biochemical activity at the cellular level and allow nutrients and other life-prolonging chemicals in the body to migrate more freely to be more functionally useful.
PEMF LI / ELF should be part of a comprehensive program to reduce suffering and enhance the longevity of higher quality.
Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF) for Cell Repair and Injury: How PEMFs Promote Longevity and Reduce the Rate of Aging.
With around 70 trillion cells in an adult body, cell injury is common and repair is ongoing. Wherever there is pain, suffering, and dysfunction, there is cell damage.
Cell injury occurs when cells:
• stressed so that they are no longer able to adapt or
• when cells are exposed to harmful agents or
• suffers from intrinsic abnormalities.
The normal cell has a fairly narrow range of function and structure.
It manages the physiological demands, maintaining a stable state called homeostasis.
Adaptations are reversible structural and functional responses to more severe physiological stresses and some pathological stimuli. With new but potential adaptation, however, altered steady states still occur, allowing the cell to survive and continue to function. Call this balanced imbalance.
CELL INJURY occurs when:
• limits of adaptive responses of cells are exceeded or exceeded
• if cells are exposed to harmful agents or stress,
• are deprived of essential nutrients, or
• is compromised by mutations that affect essential cellular components.
For example, in response to increased hemodynamic loads, the heart muscle becomes enlarged, a form of adaptation, and may even be injured. If the blood supply to the myocardium is compromised or inadequate, the muscle first undergoes a reversible injury, manifested by certain cellular changes. If this is not reversed, cells are irreversibly damaged and die.
All disease begins with macro-molecular or structural alterations in individual cells.
Damage to a sufficient number of cells and the matrix between cells ultimately leads to organ and tissue damage. The accumulated charge of these cells and unrecovered cell functions lead to aging.
The end results of genetic, biochemical, or structural changes in cells and tissues are functional abnormalities, leading to clinical manifestations (symptoms and signs) and then can.
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